One of Nature’s Mysteries to Solve

Hey there!

Ol’ Wally beat me to posting a mystery this week…but I’m okay with that because I had already told The Squirrel Nutwork blogging team that I couldn’t be around later today. So here’s the thing: if you didn’t see Ol’ Wally’s column on Thursday, ponder what you think this plant is:

Then go over to the Thirsty Thursday column and check your answer!

I should be back next week with a new mystery!

Thirsty Thursday

Folks, It’s late summer and the rains have been good to us lately. Lots of thick vegetation around the pods in our area. Perhaps you recognize some of these water-loving plants?

Yes, you might say I’m horning in a bit on Hickory’s mystery column…but that’s okay because he won’t be posting this Sunday.

The tall pink plant is Joe Pye Weed.

The shorter but brilliant red one is Cardinal Flower.

Both are good choices if you have a bit of a wet area. Water-loving plants can pull up the extra water in a spot like that and prevent mosquitos from laying their eggs.


One of Nature’s Mysteries to Solve

Hey there!

Anyone recognize this caterpillar?

I’ll check back later for your guesses in the comments!


Okay, we squirrels agree, that this is a very nondescript caterpillar. And it becomes a very nondescript moth! Except…

It’s an underwing moth. Which is a bit confusing, because you would think the bottom of the wings would have the color on them. No, it’s the upper side of the hind wings.

And why, you may ask? The bright color is there to scare a predator away, in a quick flash of color

Seeds are in demand!

As summer winds down, Hickory and I have been making our rounds of your human decks. To sun, you’re thinking?

No. We’re checking the bird feeders, but unfortunately, it’s a little early for you humans to put out the bird seed. Our next stop is always the sunflowers…

Rats, beaten to them again.

The goldfinches always have an advantage over us squirrels for finding seeds–even when they aren’t fully ripe!

“Look!” Hickory twitches his tail. “There’s another they haven’t spotted yet!”

Little Butterflies

Hickory and I saw a little movement in the plants, and really doubted that it was anything but the wind. Then, there it was again.

Have you humans ever tried to get a good look at these tiny butterflies?They’re about the size of my paw and hardly sit still. That’s a zinnia leaf it’s on, to give you an idea. Luckily, Hickory spotted the bright red band running across it, and that made the identification easy–it’s a red-banded hairstreak!